FDLCT presents “The Glass Menagerie” April 3-6

The Glass Menagerie

FDLCT is holding additional auditions for “The Glass Menagerie”, directed by Tom Augustine.


Saturday, February 8 between 12pm and 2pm. Arrive at any time.
Location: 250 W 9th St, Fond du Lac

Preparation: No sign-up or advance preparation is necessary. All auditionees will be asked to read provided scenes from the script.

Rehearsals: Rehearsals will begin in early February.
Performances: April 3-5 at 7 p.m., April 6 at 2 p.m.


There are four roles in The Glass Menagerie. In this round of auditions, only one role is needed.

Tom Wingfield (20s; could be younger): Amanda’s son and Laura’s younger brother. An aspiring poet, Tom works at a shoe warehouse to support the family. He is frustrated by the numbing routine of his job and escapes from it through movies, literature, and alcohol.

For more information: Tom Augustine, Director: tomaugustine66@gmail.com