12 Angry Jurors
Directed by Matt Rodenkirch
On a hot summer day after a long trial, a jury must decide whether a 19-year-old man is guilty of murdering his father. Needing a unanimous vote to pass judgment, tempers flare as eleven of the jurors try their best to convince the 1 dissenter to come around to their side. As the evidence is re-examined, however, new uncertainties come to light, forcing everyone to truly question if there is in fact some measure of “reasonable doubt”. Originally written for twelve men, this updated version proves that the conversation about what it means to live in a democracy is far from over.
$20 Premium, $16 Regular, $12 Economy
Matthew Rodenkirch: Director
Ashley Hernandez: Assistant Director/Stage Manager
Juror #1/Foreperson: Jeanne Tondryk
Juror #2: Jon-Mark Bolthouse
Juror #3: Barb Carroll Pica
Juror #4: Eleanor Wells
Juror #5: Blair Moon
Juror #6: Jerry Donohue
Juror #7: Michael Detert
Juror #8: Misty Gedlinske
Juror #9: Kim Ruyle
Juror #10: Ron Jacobson
Juror #11: Lynn Moon
Juror #12: Antonio Casetta
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